Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Walk Softly Or Carry A Big EPA Stick...???

General Manager Bob Heinz writes the following:

"Recently, as I was flipping through the TV channels, I happened to stop on C-Span and caught most of a speech by Lisa Jackson, EPA Administrator. Her speech was on global warming and carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere. In no uncertain terms, Ms. Jackson said that she would use the Clean Air Act to shut down every coal plant in the United States. She would regulate air, water, particulate matter, coal ash and any use every conceivable regulatory activity to stop these carbon dioxide emissions.

In this country, over 50% of the electricity generated comes from coal. (60% in Nebraska). Rather than attempt to beat the electric industry with a “Big EPA Regulation Stick” to affect the desired change, maybe real negotiations could take place to allow an orderly transition to carbon neutral generation over a longer planning horizon. This would give our smart research people a chance to develop new and more efficient carbon neutral generation, prove the merits of carbon capture and storage, construct new nuclear generation, improve battery technology and bring a multitude of new ideas to the industry. During a period of economic uncertainty, the last thing we need is inappropriate regulations which will drive up the costs to electric consumers."

Mr. Heinz' entire article can be read in the Dawson Dynamo, May edition 2010 online now. 

Cartoon is courtesy of http://www.thechillingeffect.org/ 

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