Thursday, June 18, 2009

Tornados Last Night....Video is amazing!

Storm chasers Matt Chatelain, Curtis McDonald, Daniel Betten and Brandon Lawson documented multiple tornados from close range during the June 17, 2009 tornado event in southwest Nebraska! Included are tornadoes west of Grand Island, NE (near the end) and the damaging Aurora, NE tornado.

I was going to write about more political things, especially since Nancy Pelosi is pushing hard to have the climate change policy heard on June 19th. That's tomorrow. However, in light of the severe weather last night, the safety issue seemd more pressing to me.

If a tornado has reached the ground, you can probably count on the fact that there will be downed power lines. We're asking everyone to not assume the line is probably isn't. Don't go near them. Call us (or the local utility affected by the downed lines).

This video is awesome....and I have no idea if it made the main stream media here in Nebraska.

1 comment:

  1. I can't be certain that the guys taking this video are "locals"...the entrance to their credit says "Storm Chasers" so this is probably something they do in real life. --Gwen Kautz
