Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Pulling a FAST One...

I sit around and wonder how things get passed inside our Senate or House of Congress - things that lack common sense -- things that don't seem right, things I do not support. Now I know...please read the FAST FACTS below.

Fast Facts:
The House budget includes a placeholder, budget reconciliation, that would slip in a cap-and-trade proposal that has yet to be defined, debated or detailed.

is a legislative maneuver to bypass normal Senate procedures.

1. It limits debate to 20 hours when most legislation has unlimited debate.
2. It lowers the normal vote requirement from 60 votes to a simple majority in the Senate.
3. It imposes guidelines on what amendments can be offered, which is not the case for most legislation.

Based on previous climate
the likely effects of a cap-and-trade proposal are:

1. Increased energy costs, construction costs, fertilizer prices, and also higher gas and diesel prices.
2. The cost of corn production would go up by $40-80 an acre. ($3-7 billion for Nebraska Farmers)
3. The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) says the Environmental Protection Agency will have to spend $1.7 billion to hire 400 additional staff just to set up the program and write the rules.
4. A $3,000 per year energy tax on every American family.

Senator Johanns did something about it! Click on the link below (or the title to this article) to read the Senator's entire press release. It's worth a few minutes of your time.



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